What is a Software Test Automation and Why Do You Need?

What is a Software Test Automation and Why Do You Need?

It is the process of automating the functional and non-functional testing processes of software manually executed by the tester. Why do we need automation tests? Why should we automate our tests? We should not start the test automation process in our team without asking such questions and finding the answers.

In manual tests, we apply many test types such as testing new features, existing features, and the effect of newly added features on the existing software (regression), unit tests independent of inter-module interaction, and integration tests with inter-module integrated or external service call.

These are actually what we can call black box testing techniques. As you know, there are many types of tests such as black box, white box, regression, functionality, usability, and integration tests. It is an ideal solution to use automation tools if we are doing these testing processes that we repeat every time and that can be extremely important and time-consuming and even boring, such as the Regression tests we do before presenting the final version of the software to the end-user. Or, doing our tests separately in many browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera is quite a time-consuming and so boring, so automating our tests will eliminate this effort that we will allocate to different browsers each time, and will provide us with a much more detailed solution that will minimize the margin of error. will give test results.

Agile software and DevOps have become new concepts and a necessity for all teams. Let’s think of an Agile team, and the improvements you make in your 2-week sprints, new features, and their impact on the features of the existing software need to be constantly tested and delivered within the specified time. Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery, which we call CI/CD, has now become the unconditional expectation of your customers (Users). The fact that new versions are released in a very short time is also a matter of applying the CI/CD processes correctly and succeeding.

At this point, Test Automation will become a testing tool that triggers the system even while we sleep at night. It will save time and cost, and the teams will review the test results during the day and share them with the development team, which will increase the product quality.

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