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Automated API functional software testing

Reduce your workload with Automate

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Create and manage your projects

Create different types of projects and manage them

Easy to start by defining your start URL. Manage your environment by creating your API projects.

Unlimited projects.
Unlimited test scenarios.
Link the projects to each other and run the cross-test.
Manage and redefine your project capabilities.
Manage your test data based on the environment.
api testing momentum suite
code your automation scripts momentum suite web automation
Create and manage your test cases

Create your scripts by coding easily with your custom libraries

Creating your test scenarios is simple to create them by coding your own with the custom libraries.

Supporting Java language.
Supporting Java Rest-Assured Test Framework.
Supporting REST-Assured.
Reuse the custom libraries by sharing between different projects.
Run your test cases

Schedule and run your test cases whenever you want

Manage your test calendar by running them at a future date or instantly.

Auto screenshots at each step before and after your code execution.
Simultaneous running and detailed logging on unlimited devices.
Ability to create and run test case themes.
Easily navigate and compare status steps and between devices.
Filter status by tag and also devices by features.
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Group 167
Report and dashboard

Monitor yourself, your team, and the status of the projects

Generate pdf reports at different levels and use custom widgets to design your dashboard.

Generate reports automatically based on sections, cases, and steps.
Customize your dashboard with drag and drop.
Monitor your projects and team instantly.
Give your team members access to view reports as viewers.
Integrate into your environment
Integrate with the issue management, DevOps tools, and databases

CI/CD integration with Jenkins, Azure DevOps, and others with build-in rest API support.

Discover M-Automate Integrations

Some of the features used most

Increase the potential of delivering velocity to the maximum levels. Take the hassle out of slow and time-consuming test structures.

Manage Your Own Flow
Orchestrates complex activities that can span multiple apps.
Easy to Use
Zero setups and zero maintenance. Open your browser and start now.
E2E Test Support
Automate your Android, iOS, web, API, and desktop applications.
Customizable Dashboard
Monitor your company’s KPIs and team performance.
Detailed PDF Reports
Check your test results in detail with different levels of reporting.
5 Language Supported
Code your own scripts with Java, JS, C#, Python, or Ruby.
10+ Test Frameworks
Including TestNG, Mocha, CucumberJS, Winium, and more.
Mobile Recorder
Record your mobile test step scripts on Android and iOS apps.