Career Q&A with Atil Akgus, Software QA Engineer

Career Q&A with Atil Akgus, Software QA Engineer

Baris Q1: Tell me a little about your career path

Atil Actually, my career journey started in Mobven. I graduated from Baskent University Technology and Knowledge Management department in 2021. A few months after graduating, I started working at Mobven. I feel lucky to have the chance to work in a company like Mobven without being unemployed for too long. I live in Ankara and working remotely at my first job scared me. However, with the support of my manager and teammates, I did not have any problems during the adaptation process. I have been working in Mobven for over 1 year.

Baris Q2: What does it take to be a great software tester?

Atil I think the most important thing is to have strong communication. In addition, for a good test, it is necessary to know the process well. You need to understand the module you are testing. For this, it is necessary to establish strong communication with developers, analysts, project manager, product owners, and customers; in short, all internal and external stakeholders. Testing is the final stage of the development process. For this reason, time management is also an important point. And knowledge a coding language is also among the requirements.

Baris Q3: What do you think has made you successful thus far?

Atil I am highly motivated because I love my job. The quality of my work is very important to me. That’s why I take the time to understand the business well. I work in a planned way to manage time well. Because I like research, I can take quick action in my work. In addition, I like to learn new things about my job so I research and read outside of working hours.

Baris Q4: What advice do you have for people who want to become software testers and advance in their careers?

Atil My first advice would be to improve their communication aspects. Time management is very important in testing processes. That’s why it’s important that they focus on planning and time management. It is also important that testers should have enough knowledge on the topic. They must be willing to question and research. In this way, the quality of the work done will be high. I think knowing a coding language and a foreign language is also important for personal development. Finally, it is also important that they are open to development and willing to learn.

Baris Q5: What were some of the key breakthrough moments in your career?

Atil The most important step in my career was that I started working at Mobven with the fastPay project. fastPay was an e-wallet project. It was a project with a demanding process and a lot of dependencies. I learned a lot in this project. I learned to cope with difficult situations and to produce practical solutions. In this project, I met with concepts such as test automation processes and Agile methodology. I developed myself as a test engineer. With this project, I completed my first project and at the end of the project, I was promoted to the Mid-level with my success. Now I am working on Mac+ project and I will do my best to make a difference in this project as well.

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