A. Introduction
Momentum Suite Automate provides a good experience for those who do not have enough software development knowledge. However, in some cases you may need to develop steps, in this case, you can use your favorite IDE using GitHub integration support.

B. Configuration
1. Login to Momentum Suite Automate and go to the Settings page.

2. Under the Integrations tab, click the GitHub icon.

3. After clicking, a pop-up gives you information about the integration, comes up. Click Integrate on it.

4. Click Authorize button for your GitHub account.

C. Need to Know
In order to make GitHub integration, you need to make a change in your current project or create a new project. Adding a new Step or reordering steps is necessary for the creation of the new GitHub project.
https://console.momentumsuite.com /
We expect Gitlab integration to run smoothly when access is authorized from the above IP.