Built-in mobile inspector and script recorderEasily record your test scenarios step by step just in a browserRequest a DemoDefine Capabilities You NeedDefine Appium capabilities easily How you want your test to work, set the default values as you wish. Inspector & recorder based on Appium. Already pre-defined capabilities. Custom capabilities such as fullReset, noReset, locale, language, autoGrandPermissions, autoAcceptAlerts etc.). Managing specified capabilities on a web interface. Start recording your scenariosPick a real mobile device from M-Lab which is our device lab Install your apps on real Android & iOS mobile devices and record your test scenarios. All mobile devices are real. Not emulator or simulator. Wide range of real device coverage including iOS & Android. Work on cloud or on-promise.Take advantage of the capabilitiesInspecting and debugging your mobile apps Select elements via clicking on them in the screenshot or XML source. Designed to work with iOS & Android apps. Interact with elements such as Click, SendKeys, Clear. Clicking by coordinates. Test out your own locator strategies. Translate your actions into code samplesRecording test scenarios in 5 different programming languages Start and stop “recording” mode, which translates your actions in the Inspector to code samples you can use in your scripts. Record your scenarios with Java, JS, C#, Python & Ruby. Redesign your step definitions. Write your custom scripts.Some of the features and the capabilities used mostAn inspector for mobile apps and more, powered by Appium. Built-in Recorder with no installation. Ready to use with M-Automate. Ready to UseNo server or client installation requirements. Natural GesturesTap, SendKeys, Swipe by coordinates, and much more. Manage Your CodeView or edit the step code and add custom code if you need it. Increase Your EnvironmentRecording the scenarios with 5 different programming languages. Start & Stop RecordingTranslates your actions in your app to code samples. List of Suggested ElementsElement locator strategies and selectors to be used in your scripts. Preview Automation ScriptInspect your recorded whole script with a built-in code editor. Review your App SourceInspect your Android or iOS app from its XML.